- Two tassels hang from a long strand of faceted turquoise stone beads.
- Beaded strand measures 59" long.
- Tassels measure 4" long.
- Can be worn wrapped around as a choker, tied in a knot, and also as a waist belt!
Turquoise is known to strengthen, align and elevate all chakras. It is valuable for grounding, can provide strength and protection, and can improve meditation. Turquoise is a healer of the spirit, providing for a soothing energy and bringing peace of mind. It acts to induce wisdom and understanding, and to enhance trust, kindness, and the recognition of beauty. It is said to promote spontaneity in issues of romance and to stimulate the initiation of romantic love. Turquoise can be used to balance the male/female aspects of ones character, bringing forth the qualities of mental and spiritual equality, and providing for the balancing of energies.